Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Joe Maturo MUST RESIGN his office for comments he makes about Latino Community

Tonight I have been receiving a flurry of bad news phone calls one after the other regarding what is going on in East Haven. First and foremost, I stand united with the East Haven Police Department and I know many of our residents do too. I believe in our men and women in blue and will stand with them shoulder to shoulder in this fight with the United States Government but what I will not stand for as a taxpayer in the Town of East Haven is for our leader, our Mayor, to pour more salt on the wound.

WPIX in New York, a station I watched for many years sent their reporter Mario Diaz to Town Hall to interview Mayor Maturo and when he asked the Mayor what he plans on doing for the Latino Community today, Joe Maturo responded "I might have Tacos when I go home." he then tried to catch his idiotic statement by babbling like a fool but it showed Joe Maturo's arrogance and immaturity to hold command of the highest office in East Haven.

That comment was an insult not only to the Latino Community but all residents of the Town of East Haven. It was uncalled for, inresponsible and wreckless and I call on the Town Council to immediately ask for Joe Maturo's resignation. It is clearly evident that Joe Maturo's judgement and perception of what has happened today is in question. It's time for the Chairman of the Town Council to invoke the powers of Office of Mayor until a Special Election can be held in 3 months where we can get some responsible leadership at the helm that can perform during a crisis.

In the interest of our Police Department, we need a change in leadership so we have a fighting chance to save our East Haven Police Department and our Town from further public relations damage. Our Police certainly didn't need these words and it is certain that they don't condone it either.

For the residents of the Town of East Haven stand for what is right and call for Joe Maturo's resignation now!

Please click on this link to review the interview with Mario Diaz and Joe Maturo.



  1. who cares about the latinos they give east haven a bad name.how many latinos in jail and how many east haveners in jail winner is latino by a landslide

    1. Thank you Mrs. Maturo !

    2. AH, politics, politics!

      The Mayor's sense of humor may have been off - for sure, but resigning over this is a bit drastic. But, the witch hunt isn't over yet and the sore losers from the last election have just started to jump on the band wagon. Really, people act as if Latinos are the only people who have heard insulting remarks based on ethnic background. European Americans, who built this country have heard them for years and will continue to hear them. Let's just put everyone in jail and put everyone out of a job.

      I personally believe that East Haven was targeted the same way West Haven was targeted long ago. I also believe that every remark the Mayor makes or for that matter anyone who supports Mayor Maturo or the East Haven Police will be picked apart in order to find blame. That is the way our press works. There is nothing open and balanced about the Register. In my opinion, it is a biased rag that has failed abysmally to produce quality reporting. They should have the self respect to shut down. They remind me of the paparazzi while failing to produce quality news targeting the abuses of Yale and other big businesses in the area.

      What is Mayor Maturo going to do for Latinos? I recommend community meetings, education - for both sides - would help, and meetings where leaders can meet to discuss issues and find REASONABLE solutions. Does anyone have a better idea - one that doesn't discriminate against others or one that isn't another government handout?

      I also recommend that we get this economy together, lobby Obama to stop his entourage vacations and get the job market in swing, because no matter what the New Haven Register or the local news says, there are very few jobs and the economy is in dire trouble - IT ISN'T GETTING BETTER!

      We live in a country with free public education which is available to anyone who wants to learn and improve their plight. We now provide bi-lingual classes for Spanish speaking people which were never provided before for any other group. We provide free school lunches to those who need assistance and we provide medical services to those who are disadvantaged, although this can be improved upon. Where do people think the money for these programs come from? The good fairy? If people work hard and focus on their future, they too can have a good life.

      A real reporter would have brought to light that our legislators on state and federal levels have failed to bring in jobs such as manufacturing jobs where people can find work. When people are working and feeling useful to themselves and others, it creates a better atmosphere for all. Our society is not healthy. This vile Jackson Labs job initiative by our governor, which the press highlighted so grandly will not provide jobs to the economically disadvantaged. This is an independent, nonprofit organization focusing on mammalian genetics research. It may provide some lower level jobs, but really - how many? How many minorities will be hired on upper tier levels? Further, this is another place of hell and suffering for animals who will be bred to endure horrible lives. Let's forget the fact that cancer is epidemic after years of research and experimentation. When we use animals to try to cure human diseases we are already on the wrong track. But, of course the local news missed all this.

      Sorry, back to the subject at hand.

      I certainly hope that Mayor Maturo doesn't entertain the thought of following in Mayor DeStefano's steps.

      Or, is this really what this whole mess is about?

      To Mayor Maturo and the East Haven Police Dept. best wishes with this whole issue. Glad to see you're back!

  2. He was simply asked what he was going to do for Latinos and he gave a flippant, insensitive answer that revealed his true nature. The mayor should follow the motto; Its better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt! He explained himself later by saying that the question and answer were not "in depth". In other words it was shallow, just like him. The people of East Haven should admit that they made a huge mistake in putting him back in office and demand his resignation. He has been back for only a few months and he has severely damaged our already bad reputation.


    1. I agree i am from east haven and it is so embarrassing to have to explain this to my children.

  4. And what would have been the correct answer to that dunb question?????

    1. Maybe he could have said he would set up a meeting or reached out to the latino communiy leaders with some type of a comment.. i will have tacos.

    2. Your's was the dumb question. I can think of a million better answers than the idiot gave.

    3. the question wasn't dumb, and the correct answer would have been "we are striving to keep the entirety of our community safe, and we're looking into ways to reach out specifically to the latino community to avoid future incident."

  5. OK, what do the people of the town need to do to make this happen? I will get my entire family to town hall today, write letters, make phone calls. I WANT HIM OUT! It's the only way for this town to save face. If we turn the other cheek and let this idiot stay in office, it's like saying we approve of his callousness.

  6. For the benefit of the residents of this town, he should step down. His comments prove that he cannot approach a serious issue with the intelligence and foresight of a leader. Bring back April Capone!!!

    1. No thanks! She might not have said stupid comments, cause her daddy wrote her speeches, but she sure WAS stupid.

  7. What would be the proper channels to get him out?

  8. I have to Laugh..Dan I think people in glass houses should not throw stones..Your one to talk.
    Everyone in this world has some kind of predjuce in them. I am married to a Puerto Rician and have 3 children, which are half Italian & Half Spanish. I lived in East HAven for 36 years and with my husband for for 22. We have never had a problem with EHPD. Evey town has ASSHOLE Cops who step over their boundries.. I wil say East Haven has gone down, not because of the Police department or the Mayor..Because of the people.
    Look the Mayor said something he should of never said..Get over it ..Let this man do his job..I stand by the mayor, not because I think what he said is not ok, but because he is human.Look inside your selfs before you judge someone.God Bless all..Sorry to say Mayor Capone needed to go.

  9. Clean this mess up!!! The Mayor and the Police Chief should resign. Gallo should do the right thing before he gets arrested next. The hammer coming down and there's no where to hide. When I saw Joe Maturo's comment joke or not I was floored! I said to myself "REALLY"!! East Haven needs a postive in the media not an Official of the town throwing gas on this BIG "C.F"!!! Wow! I still can't believe it!

  10. Check out our facebook page!!


    1. Really?? Taxpayers calling for Mayor Maturo to resign.What all April supporters? How about doing something more productive with your lifes and leave the Mayor alone. He was voted in to this mess.I stand by Mayor Joe Maturo. Like I said in my above statement I am married to a spanish guy and have 3 beautiful children.No one in Hartford or Washington is perfect..Look at President Clinton Lied He had no sexual contact with Monica A big fat Lie, He was our President..What I'm trying to say is No Joe is not perfect he made a mistake, GET OVER IT. What Vote for DAN..not in this life time..

  11. He must resign. Let's for just one moment leave his flagrantly racist marks out of it. After all, those attitudes are a reflection of an East Haven electorate that put him in office in the first place, so let's not go there just now. Look, one really dumb, insensitive remark can be spun into "humor in bad taste" or excused as frustration over the collapse of his Police Department. But, standing by the remark is not just stupid, but stubbornly stupid. And, on the grounds of his stubborn stupidity alone, Mayor Maturo is disqualified from holding office. He must resign.

  12. Dan, I must disagree with your statement.... our Town & Country are under attack from many in the Latino community that have come here illegally..... We are under attack from the progressive left liberal media.... We are under attack from Eric Holder's DOJ.....We are under attack from the former Mayor's administration... Do You truly BELIEVE the Mayor should resign for an UNPOLITICALLY CORRECT COMMENT ???? You should demand the resignation of New Haven's Mayor for his treasonous statements( allowing illegals the right to vote)that violate our United States Constitution......

  13. Wow - sure a whole lot of ignorant folk in East Haven. Think I'll stick to my more progressive side of CT. But I sure as he__ hope that the Latino Community realizes they need to step up now. Not enough to just vote. You must become involved every day in the political and social fabric of your community or it will descend into the racist cesspool that is displayed on this web page.

  14. East Haven must come to the realization that the police are little more than an organized crime ring. Sadly, this is the case in towns and cities all across the United States. FILM THE POLICE. Always. Everywhere. They must be held accountable. This mayor is a turd.

  15. I am an embarrassed East Haven resident, and every East Haven resident should be embarrassed and appalled at the behavior of the leadership in this town. I am a former officer in the US Army and I graduated from West Point, where I studied and learned about leadership, and this administration and their lack of judgment, in bringing back Gallo, and insensitive remarks by Maturo, indicate an unwillingness to realize that there are problems brewing in this community and an incapacity of this administration to properly lead the residents through this mess. I am an Italian- American who served next to, with, and under Latino-Americans, and the accusations of this police department should not be taken lightly, and Maturo's statements reflect a bias that should not be tolerated. I am also an embarrassed Republican who thinks Maturo must resign, as he his entire statement, not just the excerpt, indicates that he is clearly unfit to lead.

  16. The argument that he was "trying to make a joke" really falls flat. There are times for humor, and times when humor isn't appropriate.

    When the feds have arrested four of your officers for terrorizing a community, it's probably one of those times when humor isn't appropriate. People get kind of serious when it comes to discriminatory violence by those charged with protecting them. Strange, I know, but there it is.

  17. No he must not resign. The comment he made was funny as fuck and yes I am a Latino, I forgive him for the best joke I've heard all year.

  18. Why is it that minorities jump all over every little thing? Get over it. Would they be so upset if he'd said he might go home and have spaghetti?

  19. There was something wrong with him during that interview. His speech was slurred somewhat almost as though he had taken a drink or two. Obviously he wasn't plastered, but I think he had a little something, probably because it had been such a stressful day for him. Or maybe he was just tired. But he didn't sound right. Anyway, the guy's always been a tool, so I'm not surprised he stepped in it, whether he had a buzz on or no. BTW, you "Latino" people who make these comments about how you thought the "taco" comment was funny....yeah, like we really believe you're "Latino". You're about as Latino as I am Chinese. Nice try though. But I got news for you, it's a little late to save your buddy Joe's butt.

  20. Dan- I am generally a fan of yours but after reading this post, I am very disappointed. Did you watch the video? We should be calling for reporter Mario Diaz to be fired, not Mayor Joe Maturo. Why does the reporter keep interrupting the mayor? The reporter's job is to smile, hold the microphone, and let the mayor speak. The reporter is supposed to be calm and neutral. Mario Diaz was angry, biased, and confrontational. It is clear that this reporter approached the mayor with the intention of picking a fight. The reporter is inserting himself as an active participant in local politics when he should be a neutral observer. The news story should be written by the reporter. It shouldn't be about the reporter, too.

    Take a few minutes to deconstruct the notorious question "What are you doing for the Latino community today?"

    1. There is no Latino community separate from the rest of East Haven. The Latinos are fully integrated with the rest of the town. In fact, I consider the reporter racist for asking this question. He is trying to divide the people of East Haven into separate tribes when that is not the case. The reporter is making a false assertion that Latinos are isolated and excluded from the rest of the town.

    2. The reporter is also making the assertion that the police officers are guilty when they have not yet had their day in court. For all we know at this point, the allegations could be completely fabricated and unsupported in which case there is no urgent need for the mayor to take action. Joe Maturo, to his credit, explains to the reporter that the officers in question are innocent until proven guilty. It would be wrong for the mayor to take action before the evidence has been presented in a court of law. The mayor has no grounds to take action until the allegations are proven or disproven in court. The reporter is asking the mayor to throw the police under the bus, never mind due process and a fair trial.

    1. I appreciate your comments but I have made my statement in which I believe is in the best interest of the Town of East Haven not politics. It is in my opinion Mayor Maturo's statement did in fact bring East Haven to a new level of negative light which I believe has brought further harm to our fine East Haven Police Department. Our four officers have been accused of some horrific crimes which I believe they will be vindicated and Mayor Maturo's comments only furthered the cry that East Haven has a racial issue.

      I have fought every political entity in this Town that has gone to war with our Police Department including the current Police Commission and it is my opinion that many of these charges have been trumped by misleading statments and false accusations. We should not be distracted by wreckless statements as Mayor Maturo has made.

      Lastly, this is the Town of East Haven and although Mayor Maturo is the current Mayor we as taxpayers should not have to lay on the sword for him. He should be laying on the sword for us and our Police Department and I stand by my call for him to resign and hand the reigns of our Town to Rich Anania.

  21. I don't agree with you on this Dan. Because you don't agree with the coach, you don't quit the team. You stick together and stay together to make things better. I never agreed with the 3 chiefs I worked for during the 30 yrs. I was on the PD but we worked things out and tried to make the PD a better place to work and make things safe for the people of East Haven. You and other people of East Haven need to pull together on this as it will all soon pass. As for the liberals and those on a soap box, get over it and grow some tougher skin. Who gives a flying piece of fudge what the Mayor said. Support your local PD whereever you live or don't ever call 911.

    1. It's ok that we don't agree. I understand that. I hope you understand where I am coming from though.

      I will always support my PD and the members.

  22. Mayor Maturo should resign right after President Obama resigns for calling his own white grandmother "a typical white woman" with a sneer. Keep in mind that this"typical white woman" was the one who raised him when every other adult associated with him deserted him.

  23. Get over it. I am a latino and lived in East Haven for a few years sometime ago. I never had any encounters or issues with EHPD, I know that some of the folks that lived next door and across from me looked at me different but that did not bothered me they were not paying the rent or putting food on my table and I wore a long sleeve and tie to work every day. I moved the "F" out and never looked back.

    We all must realize that "the more we stir the pot the more it smells" and that is were we are today "F"ing tacos, what if he would have said tostadas or plantains does it really matter why don't we mak a pizza and put ceviche on it and see how it tastes. GET OVER IT........
    There will never be any closure to this crap and there will always be resentment!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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