In a time where many people mistrust government and anything associated with it we are hearing from some members of the April Capone Almon Administration that they are the most transparent government. I think the reason why many people turn government off like an infomercial is because they just cannot believe it to be true or there is an annoying salesman pushing the sale.
Right here in East Haven the Democratic Town Chairman Gene Ruocco is proclaiming that the Almon Administration is transparent. With his articles on East Haven PATCH and several of his comments on PATCH's stories you hear Mr. Ruocco paint Almon’s Administration with the highest praise and of course no fault. He reserves that for Joe Maturo’s Administration and all of us “obstructionists” from the Republican side. Offer a different point of view or have an opinion and you are labeled, mocked and even insulted.
Just recently, I challenged the Democrat leader, Gene Ruocco and asked him very pointed questions which he struggled to answer. Here are my questions.
Have you or anyone in your family benefited financially since April became Mayor with Town jobs and positions on boards and commissions?
The facts are that yes indeed Mr. Ruocco and members of his family have personally benefited by having this Administration in charge of the Town of East Haven. Mr. Ruocco was appointed by Mayor April Capone to the powerful East Haven Zoning Board and was elected chairman in 2009 he also serves on the Greater New Haven Water Pollution Authority (GNHWPA) which is a paid position, approximately $12K per year. His daughter Stacey Ruocco Monico works in the Mayor’s office as a secretary. All of these positions Ruocco claims he either had no control over or they were appointments by the Mayor. In the case of the GNHWPA, he had the experience for the position because when he was in the IBEW serving as an electrician he worked inside the building and he knew the system. Regardless of how or what Mr. Ruocco's qualifications are mere thought of transparency that Mr. Ruocco claims is diminished and nepotism and quid pro quo is more apparent.
Have other senior administrators in the Capone Almon administration gained favor for their families with jobs and positions in the Town?
This question received a vile response of threats of exposing members of the Maturo Administration for receiving big jobs and big payoffs for the last 10 years and Mr. Ruocco contacting his attorney's for claims of libel and slander.
But that was not the question I asked. This will be a follow up story, I am still gathering my data but I promise it will be an eye opener!
It is clearly obvious that Mr. Ruocco’s claims of transparency are what he truly believes. But that is not the reality. Things in East Haven are not getting better and some of them are not the direct fault of the Administration but of the National economy.
What East Haven residents need is straight and honest talk. I am not saying there is anything wrong with doing favors for friends and families just don’t insult the residents of the Town of East Haven by claiming to be transparent when you truly are not.
Lastly, I strongly informed Mr. Ruocco that since he is an elected Public Official his claims of libel and slander are not held to the same standard of a private citizen. The information I have reported is factual based on the questions asked. It is up to the reader to determine if there is truth behind it. I ask you three things. Go to the Mayors Office and meet Stacey, goto the Zoning Meetings and see Gene at the head of the table and attend the GNHWPCA meetings and see Gene sitting there.
I can assure you all of the information I provided is truthful and straight and remember the next time you hear that someone in your family is struggling to make ends meet that East Haven's transparent government is working hard for you.
Till next time.
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