- This plan called for no additional development in the Farm River Flood Plain
- 55 and Older are better suited for areas North of RT. 80, east of Mill Street and West of Maple Street.
- Open space in the should be purchased by the public or preserved.
Here is the September 5, 2007 Report provided by Brendan Toller.
Section 8-23 of the Connecticut State Statues requires that each municipality
prepare and adopt a Plan of Conservation and Development and update it once
every ten years.
The purpose of the Plan of Conservation and Development is to record the best
thinking of the Town as to its future physical growth and to give direction to both
public and private development. While its objectives are long-range, the Plan
should be capable of offering guidance for short-range land use decisions upon
adoption. Although it is often difficult to address immediate issues and problems
with long-range concepts and principles,
to long-term purposes can dilute, even nullify, the ultimate effectiveness
and impact of the immediate solution.
Section 8-3a. From the 2009 Connecticut Zoning Code States:
short-term solutions without respectFindings of consistency of proposed regulations or boundaries with the plan of
development. Referral of proposed regulations or boundaries to planning
commission. (a) In any municipality which has a combined planning and zoning
commission operating under the general statutes or any special act,
commission shall state on the record its findings on
consistency of a proposed zoning regulation or
boundaries or changes thereof with the plan of
development of the municipality.
theFrom the East Haven Plan of Conservation and Development Approved by the
Planning and Zoning Commission September 5
Page 86:
Other Land Use Recommendations
9.No additional development should occur within the Farm River floodplain.
Page 89:
Other Land Use Recommendations
21. Additional housing for senior citizens would be good use for vacant
and underutilized properties on the south side of Route 80, east of Mill
Street and west of Maple Street.
22. The open lands along the Farm River should be publicly acquired or
otherwise preserved.
Page 5:
II. Goals, Policies, and Strategies
Section A: Primary Goals of the Plan, Open Space
1. East Haven is a developed community and its remaining natural resources are
extremely important to the quality of life of the Town’s residents.
The preservation of the remaining environmentally significant natural areas
and other environmental resources should be of the highest priority.
space acquisition and preservation should be a major policy initiative of the
Page 9:
Section C: Environmental Preservation
The natural resources are primary factors of the character and quality of life in
East Haven.
disregarded in the past, the natural resources and environment of the Town
are major factors of the Town’s character.
community, with almost two miles of coastline along Long Island Sound.
Although largely developed. East Haven still contains large areas within its
natural state.
important natural features that contribute to the quality of life of those
OpenAlthough many of these natural resources have beenEast Haven is a coastalEven within long established neighborhoods, there areThe plan recognizes the importance of the protection of these features, in
conjunction with beneficial development.
the land that contains these unique and valuable resources, steering
development onto more suitable land.
The emphasis is on preservation ofPage 10:
Overall Goals
1. The preservation of East Haven’s natural resources and open spaces
for the benefit of current and future residents should be of the
highest priority given the dwindling supply of developed land within
the Town.
2. Recognize the uniqueness of East Haven as a shoreline community and
take advantage of the coastal resources for the benefits of the residents of
the community.
Overall Policies
characteristics of the land, and the Town should direct future
development to those areas most capable of supporting it. The
natural characteristics of much of East Haven’s vacant land place
limitations on future development.
Future development needs to be more harmonious with the natural2.
Town’s growth and development, and take action to preserve and
enhance these resources.
3. Protect remaining significant natural areas, by utilizing a full range of
tools available to the Town.
Recognize that East Haven’s coastal resources are important to the4. Cooperate with Federal, State and Regional agencies to improve the
water quality of Long Island Sound…
6. Recognize the importance of the tidal marshes to the ecology of the
Sound and the quality of life of Town Residents, and protect
7. Preserve the quality of the Town’s bodies of fresh water, so that they
may be used for public recreation and environmental conservation.
8. Protect the groundwater resources of the Town…
10. Minimize the potential for the loss of life or property due to flooding
by careful controlling and limiting development in designated flood
prone areas.
Page 11:
11. Protect inland wetland areas from development that impairs their
ability to store floodwater, to control erosion, to recharge and purify
surface and groundwater and to support wildlife.
Overall Strategies
The problem of the periodic flooding of East Haven neighborhoods along
the Farm River and in coastal areas probably cannot be solved to any great
extent solely through structural improvements, although some minor
improvements may be achieved.
issues and problems can best be addressed on the basis of the limits of the
drainage basin, which often cross municipal boundaries. Therefore, the solutions
to drainage problems should be on a basin-wide basis, through cooperation
between the municipalities that share the drainage basin. There should be a
three pronged approach to solving the Town’s flooding problems…
It is important to recognize that all drainage…Continue to enforce the floodplain regulations through the prevention of
inappropriate new development from within the floodplain. Any new
development in the floodplain should be built to contemporary standards
for withstanding floodwaters and not exacerbate the flooding situation
downstream. However, in areas of severe hazard, new construction should
be prohibited.
Page 12:
4. Continue to enforce the wetland regulations. There should not be
significant development on wetland areas, especially when the
wetlands are significant natural resources. Generally, alteration
should be considered only when there is no feasible and prudent
alternative. Wetland alteration should be permitted only in
conjunction with mitigation procedures, which results in improved
and/or replacement wetlands.
Page 26:
Housing Policies
2. Preserve the integrity of existing neighborhoods, by preventing the
introduction of incompatible land uses….
4. Encourage the clustering of new housing units, in appropriate
locations and quantity, to preserve valuable open space, in a manner to
enhance the neighborhood…
5. The zoning regulations should reflect the pattern of development
within the existing residential neighborhoods.
10. ...new multi-family development should be of a lower density and
higher quality than much of what has occurred in East Haven in the
Page 42:
Open Space Policies
1. Pursue the protection of environmentally significant land through such
methods as acquisition acceptance of donations of open space, purchase
or donation of development rights, and conservation easements.
2. The Town should aggressively pursue the acquisition and preservation of
open space lands that help achieve the following environmental
objectives: A. Protection of watersheds of water supply facilities.
B. Protection of environmentally sensitive areas.
C. Preservation of unique geological and
environmental areas…
F. Creation of open space linkages.
G. Prevention of damage from flooding.
H. Preservation of agricultural lands.
protecting larger areas of open space and open space corridors that can
be created by the protection of adjacent parcels, to create linkages and to
maximize the visual environmental effect of protection.
areas should be targeted for protection:
-Farm River tidal wetlands…
-Farm River corridor.
Open space protection and acquisition should be oriented towardsThe followingPage 43:
Open Space Strategies
7. The tidal wetlands along the East Haven and Farm Rivers should be
preserved as open space. Much of the land is tidal marshes, but there are
some passable areas. Public access to these areas should be obtained
wherever possible, through purchase or land dedication in conjunction
with development…
8. Encourage the formulation of a Farm River Watershed Plan that would
address the important environmental issues that affect the river, such as
water quality management of the flood plain, storm water discharge and
Conservation and Development.
Page 53:
General Land Use Considerations
, included in the East Haven Plan of2. The overall land use pattern of East Haven is generally established.
Although certain development opportunities exist throughout the Town, the
focus of the land use plan in most of the Town should be on either
maintaining or improving the existing patterns of development…
4. The residential neighborhoods are fundamentally sound. The primary
potential threat to many residential areas is adverse impacts from
incompatible land uses.
Page 54:
6. Extensive areas of Town are subject to river or coastal flooding,
including many developed areas.
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