1) Why was lasts month's meeting cancelled?
Answer: After asking the question in several different ways I was informed there was no quorum.
2) Your Police Commission meeting in June referred a disciplinary hearing for Chief Gallo to go forward to the Mayor for her resolution and decision. Was that the right decision to make? Hasn’t this board now opened the Town of East Haven to more lawsuits?
Answer: We are not going to answer that question.
3) What is the Status of the K-9 Unit? At the Town Council meeting a few months ago Paul Hongo stood up and said he would speak to the Police Department Union to resolve the issue? As far as I know there was a meeting when are we getting our K-9 Dog unit back?
Answer: That's in negotiations.
My response: That's an existing position in this contract how can you negotiate something that's already in the contract.
Answer: That's being negotiated.
4) What is the status of our DARE program, SRO’s and Community Officer ? Last week I went down to field 4 in Momauguin Rec League and the dugouts have graffiti all over them. When we had a Community Officer that rarely happened!
Answer: That's being negotiated.
My Response: They are already existing positions.
5) During the DUI/DWI check points this summer why have none of them been conducted on Main Street? On Main Street you have most of our drinking establishments.
Acting Chief Nappi: These locations are assigned by statistical data.
My response: Who assigns them
Acting Chief Nappi: Sgt. Lennon
My Response: Can I see the data
Acting Chief Nappi: No we don't release that data.
6) Why has an Officer been removed, had his gun and badge taken from him and there is no hearing or list of charges made? Where is the due process?
Answer: That's a personnel matter
7) Tomorrow there is a rally to support our East Haven Police Officers, are any of you attending?
Answer: None Giving
8) Lastly, Acting Police Nappi are you or anyone else from the Administration going to try to stop this Rally from happening?
Answer: None Giving
Later the issue of Dennis Spaudling came up in 4 grievances filed by the Union. In the contract it clearly states that any officer is entitled to a list of the charges within 48 hours and a hearing with in 5 days. To this date Officer Spaulding has yet to have any due process. The union argued that Officer Spaulding should be returned to work. All 4 Board Members denied the grievance even if the contract clearly states that the Board is in violation of the existing collective bargaining agreement.
This Board of Police Commissioners along with the Acting Chief will be held to account for their lack of leadership.
Don't forget about tonight at 6pm Town Hall. Take a stand for an East Haven Cop.
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